Career Point Skill Development is an initiative of the Company with a vision to bring about social change, by empowering the unemployed and out-of-work youth with vocational skills and making them ‘Eduployable’.
Career Point Institute of Skill Development (CPISD) has been set-up to fulfill the growing need in India for skilled manpower across sectors and narrow the existing gap between demand and supply of employment oriented education and training.
CPISD is approved training partner of National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), Rajasthan Skill & Livelihood Development Corporation (RSLDC) and affiliated to various sector skill councils.
For more details, please visit: www.cpisd.in
CPISD has setup learning centers in rural and urban locations to provide employability skills aligned to industry needs which enhance youth employability and proves business productivity. In Skill development wing, the learning is delivered in an environment of mutual respect, support and encouragement. Love for learning is induced in the youth not by extraneous factors but by the love of their own areas of interest. Teaching of skills is made more interactive, practical and innovative. Career Point believes in grooming and nurturing the innate talent of the youth, so that they can reach the pinnacle in their careers at a later stage.
Key developments at Skill Development division –
- Partnership with NSDC (National Skill Development Corporation) as Training Provider.
- Empanelled with DGET (Directorate General of Employment & Training) and various Sector Skill Councils for Assessments of skill development training.
- Partnered with Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD) for DDUGKY project in Rajasthan.
- Trained youth at owned as well as Franchisee centers under PMKVY (Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojna).
- Empanelled with RSLDC (Rajasthan Skill Livelihood Development Corporation) as Project Implementation Agency for Employment linked Skill Training Programs.
- Affiliated with various sector skill councils including Retail (RASCI), Apparel (AMHSSC), IT & Ites (NASSCOM).