Scheme of Arrangement

1. Scheme of ArrangementClick Here
2. Board ResoluitionsClick Here
3. Valuation ReportClick Here
4. Report of Audit CommitteeClick Here
5. Fairness Opinion report of Merchant BankerClick Here
6. Shareholding Pattern Pre and post Scheme of arrangementClick Here
7. Shareholding pattern of all companies as per SchemeClick Here
8. Audited financial details of all companies involved in the schemeClick Here
9. Annual Report of last three years and auited finalcial of last three years of all companies involved in the SchemeClick Here
10. Statutory Auditor’s Certificate confirming the compliance of the Accounting treatmentClick Here
11. detailed Compliance ReportClick Here
12. Report of Independent DirectorsClick Here
13. Compliant Report BSEClick Here
14. Compliant Report NSEClick Here
15. NOC Secured CreditorsClick Here
16. Reply to BSE dated 11.05.2023Click Here
17. NSE observation letter Dt. 09.08.2023Click Here
18. BSE observation Letter Dt. 09.08.2023Click Here
19. Notice : CPL Shareholders Meeting on 15.01.2024Click Here
20. Notice : CPL Shareholders Meeting on 16.01.2024Click Here
21. CPL Proseeding Shareholders Meeting 17.02.24Click Here
22. CPL Scruitniser Report And Voting Results 19.02.24Click Here
23. 2nd Motion PetitionClick Here
24. NCLT Order 21.03.2024Click Here
25. Intimation Newspaper Publication NCLT Date HearingClick Here
26. Intimation CPL SE  25.05.2024Click Here